A baked sponge with a sticky caramel sauce mixed with pears and walnuts- so satisfying for the colder months. Make sure to serve with lashings of custard!
Friday, 30 January 2015
Sunday, 25 January 2015
Peanut Butter and Nutella Banana Bread
A delicious combination of peanut butter and nutella mixed into a banana bread in honour of National Peanut Butter Day! It also has no butter whatsoever which makes it healthier than your traditional banana bread!

Ive been in a baking mood lately...
You may think this is a good thing but when it is used against you as procrastination from revising for exams, then you have a problem. Although to be fair I have been revising every weekday so I think I am allowed to do something I love at the weekend, and by that I mean I literally spending all of Saturday in the kitchen- oh and also friday night...yeah thats how I spend my friday night. WILD I know. Maybe it's celebratory because guess who got an A* on their Biology exam! It was a mock exam but still, I was dead chuffed!
I think the baking count this weekend was a pear pudding 1, Pasta Bake 2 (that counts right?), Morning baked oats 3 and this Banana Bread...4. For me anyways, that is a lot of baking! but I loved it and If that's how full time bloggers roll then hey, I wanna get on that wagon.
All of the mentioned above will be up on ze blog soon hopefully, as I said exams and stuff, but I will try my best to get the content to you guys. I wanted to share this recipe with you today because yesterday it was National Peanut Butter Day! WOOP WOOP! Mark that down on your calendar folks- 24th January.
If you snooped around here for a while you can probably guess I am a hard core peanut butter girl. I had a craving for bananas too, so I searched the blogosphere for some peanut butter and banana based recipes and then I saw this recipe from Baking Joy- Banana bread with peanut butter AND nutella thrown in too for good measure. Its also has no butter which makes me feel slightly less guilty for eating like...my seventh piece, actually count that eight (eating some right now).
The recipe is slightly different since I only used ingredients that I had in the house and I didn't make the ganache frosting, to which at this point Im kinda regretting... Oh well. But honestly it still tastes amazing by itself or with yoghurt or ice cream. You'll have to bake it yourself and see ^^
banana bread,
peanut butter,
Friday, 16 January 2015
Single Serving Cashew Cookie Cake
A healthy single serving cookie cake that is full of wholesome ingredients. It has a creamy cashew butter filling and crunchy oaty exterior, the raisins are a great addition for some sweetness too!

Saturday, 10 January 2015
Dining in the Alps
As you may or may not know I was skiing in France over the christmas period, it was such an amazing time and I'm already counting down the days unit I can next go back! Aside from the skiing and general awesomeness that is Val d'Isere, did I mention that the food is another major highlight? By far one of the best things about skiing holidays is the food (ી(΄◞ิ౪◟ิ‵)ʃ)
Basically this is like a photo diary of just some of the yummy noms I had when I was over there, and don't be fooled just because it was christmas- the food is generally always like this (apart from the christmas dinner of course ( •ॢ◡-ॢ)) Please enjoy a few snaps of the desserts, restaurant food and an abundance of afternoon teas~

Saturday, 3 January 2015
Season of Selfies: Festive Edition!

Heyaaa lovelies,
I came up with an awesome name for a new tag I want to start doing here on the blog~ 'Season of Selfies!' (have to admit kinda proud of that, I do like a bit of alliteration). As the name suggests It's just going to be a post of well...selfies! Mainly selfies particular to holidays such as christmas and even birthdays or maybe just because I have an abundance of photos from a particular outing...but season of selfies sounds like something we can run with (`ڼ´)
Todays season of selfies post is a festive edition, celebrating some christmas selfies taken during my time skiing. Get ready for full on ski gear, weird faces and cheesy christmas accessories.
Thursday, 1 January 2015
Christmas in Val d'Isere
Bonjour ~ (-^〇^-)
Happy new year for 2015! ♡
I'm back from France now after our awesome christmas away skiing in Val d'Isere and I have to admit... I'm already missing it so much. I just love skiing and the food and the skiing and the town and the shops and the everything. Although it was magical and all and we actually had snow over christmas unlike being in the UK, the christmasy vibes just went there. Maybe it's just the fact that we were away from home and it's the only thing were used to but you know what, I really didn't mind- I actually enjoyed it more than the typical christmas day we would normally have at home.
Don't get me wrong, I love christmas day at home too but to be honest when it gets to the evening we have eaten and already opened presents and I'm left feeling a bit.. bored. In France, it was full on day skiing for about 6 hours, having afternoon tea in the chalet, opening presents and having a drink at the bar and then having christmas dinner later on in the evening.
Then after that we even went out to a bar in the town and stayed out till about 2am, we met some and talked with new people and even hung out with the chalet staff that were working in the chalet. For me it was a memorable christmas and one that I would totally do again!
Although, did I mention that we were stuck on a coach for 22 hours? yeahhh for those of you in the UK who saw the news about the shed load of snow that caused problems in the Alps...yep that was us. We weren't quite as bad as those who had to be sent to emergency accommodation but we would've been sent there if we hadn't of been stuck on that coach for so long! we made a joke out of it and said that the coach was our emergency accommodation...
Basically making your way down a snowy icy mountain in a coach with vehicles coming the other way as well doesn't work out, there was also a coach incident too which didn't really help the process of getting down. After being told that the coach would not be moving for 3 hours (10 minutes into the journey may I add) me and mum went off with a few others to find a loo and get food rations. *That is one downside of being a woman, men can easily pee standing up where we have to resort to popping squats outside the coach. I personally can't do that so we went to find a loo (•ิ_•ิ)
After walking down the hill we hallelujah! found a loo in a restaurant and ordered two ham baguettes for the journey, we even snuck in a sneaky hot chocolate before I head out to a convenience store to buy chocolate, waffles and cookies to for some snackage on the coach.
Overall, we worked out that our flight was 24 hours later than intended because we had to get a new flight booked and at a different airport... but as I said it was still an amazing holiday and it all seems like a dream what happened (mainly because we were up all night and sleep deprived). If I learned anything from this, it is that coach seats = UNCOMFORTABLE (☍﹏⁰)。
Here are some snaps I took in Val of the town, there aren't as many photos of the mountains as id like but it was hard fitting my camera in my ski jacket pocket (>o<) there are a lot of foodie photos though so I decided to save those for another post (´⊙ω⊙`)
oh and incase you were wondering, yes santa claus did visit even in France (^_~)
This is basically what the setup for lunch look like on the slopes- helmet threw on the table, coat strung over the chair and some sort of sandwich baguette with a filling
The mountains that surround Val d'Isere~ nightie snapshot
Seafood selection in SPAR- yes spar (convenience stores in France majorly upgraded)